have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union.have obtained a secondary-school leaving certificate corresponding to the level required for entry to university, or have followed a higher or technical course of study to an equivalent level, or have obtained a university diploma.Nevertheless, Members may offer a traineeship to nationals of third countries, provided they comply with visa requirements be nationals of a Member State of the European Union or an accession/candidate country.

be aged 18 or over (derogations from this age limit can be granted in response to a duly substantiated request).However, candidates must fulfil the following criteria: There is no recruitment obligation on the European Parliament at the end of the selection procedure. The European Parliament’s recruiting services will regularly consult this list when looking to recruit contract agents. The successful candidates’ names will remain on the pool list for a period of one year.Ĭandidates may be recruited as contract agents.
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High performing Schuman trainees - endorsed by their hosting Directorate-General - will be invited to sit a series of tests aimed at examining candidates’ competences, motivation, and suitability to work in the European Parliament.Ī final list of 25 trainees, who succeeded the selection procedure, will be drawn up for each traineeship period (two times per year). The Schuman Recruitment and Development Programme is open to Schuman trainees working in the European Parliament.

The Schuman Recruitment and Development Programme is a new and exciting programme that creates a pathway for a number of high performing Schuman trainees to continue working for Parliament as staff members, following the successful completion of their traineeship.

It will provide you with an insight into the work of the EU institutions and the European Parliament, a crucial forum for decision-making and political debate at EU level. A Schuman traineeship will enhance your education and your vocational training.